Saturday, September 7, 2013

We are all born ....

We were all born too late to explore the earth, and too early to explore the stars. -Saphiric

I have always been fascinated by The Elizabethan Era. 

This could be because I was born in England but don't remember anything about it so when I was younger i loved learning everything i could about it. Today I love watching British TV. 

I think it would be amazing to go back in time, with the knowledge that I have now of course, and visit this era. It would be like a Doctor Who moment! 

To go back in time and watch Elizabeth the First take the throne or watch as Columbus finds the Americas, or just even daily life and the what knowledge they did have would be some amazing and educational. 

Maybe one day in the way future, we will have time machine to help educate children on the past. I think someone needs to start crack on that one!!

Please tell me what would you like to do and why either explore the stars or explore the past.....


  1. How can you pick one era?! I could never pick just one, but that's because I am a huge history buff! I would love to go when Cleopatra was ruling, or when the Romans had the colliseum with their battle ships in it! But of course I would have loved to be in Medieval times! TOO many to choose! :P Great post!

    1. Thanks Bethanie! Those eras are great too! I actually love learning about everything except American history (hahahaha me a poor American).


Thank you!!