Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11, 2001

I remember 9/11. I was in seventh grade. My morning started out just like any other morning. I got ready for school, made sure all my homework was in my backpack and headed for the bus. Either I wasn't being very observant or nobody on my bus knew yet but I don't remember anyone talking about what was going on. It wasn't until I stepped into my middle school that I could tell something was wrong. The TVs in every room were on the news that morning. And when I walked into my homeroom everyone was quiet as we watched the news air the first plane into the World Trading Center. I didn't even know where that was happening and then was in complete shock when I was told that it was New York. And then all the details....

But the real gravity of the situation didn't hit me until I was on the bus home... The base had gone into full Delta shut down! There was 10-15 men with guns at the entrance versus the usual two or three. They told us that we couldn't come in to the base. I believe after a lot of pleading from my bus driver and some calls to important people, we were told that our things would be searched including the bus before entering. It took us almost an hour to get through. As a twelve year old with men with huge guns coming down the alley on your, it was extremely scary.

I will never forget.

I heart goes out to all the men and women who fought. To all the men and women on 9/11. To the men and women who helped in the wake of 9/11. And my heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones because of this tragedy.

God Bless America

Special Thanks to my Uncle John and cousin Matt for being responder to 9/11! And men I know for being in the military to defend our country: Jeff Harris, Joseph Koning, Cory Murphy, Taylor Paz, Mike Buck, Patrick Anderson, Jeremy Page and anyone else who I have left out.

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