2nd November 2013

I am extremely thankful for the technology of our time. It is so extremely easy for us to pick up our little devices and call our parents, to send pictures to our sisters, to share the gospel, to send a letter to someone in a different nation and much, much more. How easy is it for us to get to different places to see others. I feel like a lot of people take this for granted.
Even just to when I was little and needed to be home at a certain time. I didn't have a phone in my pocket that was cordless to call her and i definitely did not have an iPad to facetime her with.

How did mothers do it and know if their children were safe or if they were coming home on time? We make fun of this sometimes but I do understand why parents give their little children cell phones. It helps tremendously when they need to know where their child is or when they need to pick them up.
I love that even though I am in Idaho I can still talk and see my mom when she lives six hours away.

Baby Cousin Kylee
I love that I get to see my baby cousins and niece though they live in different states.

Baby Cousin Violet
I love that we can coordinate schedules though we are in two different places.

Baby Cousin Roman
I love that I can share my life here to people I don't get to talk to very often but they can still know how I am doing.

Baby 2nd Cousin Olivia
I love that even though I am actually a shy person I can still share the gospel in different ways to help others come unto Christ.

Baby 2nd Cousin Luke with his Sisters
I love our time and age to be on this planet. I hope that you don't regret your life.

My Baby Niece Lilly
I hope that you live everyday to it's fullest. Don't take the little things like your cell phone for granted. I am thankful for technology.
Those prom pictures bring back some fun memories