I am so thankful that my parents decided to not stop after Jaren. Though I love my brother, I don't know how I would have done it with no sisters. I know that The Lord knew that not only did I need them but that they needed me. I love having sisters, especially when we are altogether and gang up on Jaren.
So something about me, that I discovered when Haleigh was in middle school, I am extremely protective of my sisters. Almost like a pitbull, nice and sweet, even wagging tail until you cross that line and I can rip you to shreds. Alright not a very nice picture but you get the point. Haleigh had some one picking on her once at a high school football game while she was in the middle school section. She came sobbing to my parents and me about how a girl in her class and her big sister were making fun and threw something in her hair.... And that was it, you crossed the line. I immediately got up, dragged Haleigh to the middle school section and got all personal with the "big" sister. Now I am pretty short coming to 5 foot 3 inches but let me tell you there was no way I was that short when I got there. I had to of grown temporarily like five more inches... It may have been the stairs but man, was I in her face. The girl thought I was cussing her out and was going to fight her though I didn't use a single cuss word just was able to choose the right words. After that, Haleigh no longer had any problems with those girls.
Saydi, on the other hand, I have never needed to protect; she can definitely do that on her own very well. What I have always been thankful for the little love Saydi has given willingly. I was eight years old when Saydi was born. I was so terribly excited! I wanted to do everything like she was my baby. Well Saydi was born and she hated everyone but Mom!!! It broke my little heart. I tried so hard to get her like me to no avail. But as she got older the better it got....occasionally. One of Saydi's best qualities is her willingness to give. Since she was little she loved Christmas and Birthdays. She was always putting together little presents. And to us it seemed sometimes like a jumble of stuff from her room, but they were some of her treasured belongings. Opening her gifts, she was always right there at your side and then pulling the item or items out to explain why she gave them to you. I wish we had caught some of those moments on video.
Anyways... My sisters are AMAZING and I want to share that with you!
Loves the colors lime green, bright pink and neon blue
Favorite activity at college is Swing
She loves watching A Cinderella Story and She's the Man
She enjoys playing Apples To Apples with the family
Her favorite class at college is her Writing Class
She likes to read Becca Fitzpatrick's series Hush, Hush
And she wants to be a teacher when she grows up
Haleigh was on the cheerleading team all four years of high school and three of those years, she was Cheer Captain. She kept her grades up much better than me and is now attending BYUI!
She bleeds green and yellow
Her favorite activity is cheerleading
She also has two favorite movies Tangled and She's the Man
She loves watching movies with the family
Her favorite subjects are math and science
She likes to read Hearts in Hiding by Betsy Brannon Green
And she wants to be a dental hygienist when she grows up.
Saydi has been on the cheerleading team three years already and is Cheer Captain this year! She also has our mom as her captain this year. Saydi has had straight A's every year of high school so far... Just one more year to go, girl!
I love these girls so much and I am so grateful that The Lord placed them in my eternal family!
Just read all the posts for Nov and they are all great! (My favorute is obviously the tenth, but I also enjoyed the one about your Dad alot.). Keep it up! It is good stuff. Sherry