I am thankful for my friend Sarah Beth for nominating me!
The rules state:
-share 11 random facts about you
-answer the 11 questions posed by the person who tagged you
-then choose 11 bloggers with 200 followers or less and pass the tag along.
-share 11 random facts about you
-answer the 11 questions posed by the person who tagged you
-then choose 11 bloggers with 200 followers or less and pass the tag along.
So 11 random facts about Moi!
1. I am a military brat who only moved three times and one of those was just across the base.
2. I was born in Upper Heyford, Oxfordshire, England but don't remember because we moved when I was two.
3. I went through grooming school at Petco because I love animals.
4. Even though I like chocolate, I can only eat small amounts and I can never eat a pure chocolate bar or I will get very sick.
5. I am a little obsessed with Disney (that may be a understatement...) and nobody will play Disney Scene-It with me.
6. I am actually a pretty shy person and meeting new people makes me nervous. I comes off as stuck-up or standoffish because of it.
7. I love to craft.... It started out just making my little apartment seem like a home now it's a little crazy.
8. I married my best friend from high school and we have known each other since we were 12!
9. I am the oldest of four and with that I can tend to be a little bossy.
10. My biggest dream is to have five children... Three boys and two girl preferably but will take what The Lord will give me.
11. I am Mormon, loud and proud. I would love to answer any questions and checkout my profile at Mormon Messages
Sarah's questions for me:
1. What is your favorite part about winter?
The only part I enjoy is being able to snuggle in blankets and drink hot chocolate. The rest I detest!
2. Why did you decide to start blogging?
A couple of months ago, I decided that my brain was getting restless since I am not in school and I do the same things everyday. So I began this blog that I could continue to use my learning and exercise my brain. I also wanted to let my family know how I was doing and share the gospel.
3. What is your favorite sport to watch?
I love watching football and watch the Super Bowl every year. I really enjoyed watching football with my dad.
4. If you could only wear one lipstick for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Well since I don't usually wear lipstick, I would be fine with Bert's Bees Chapstick!
5. What is your favorite book and why?
I love the Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix. I really love the female heroines.
6. What is the most fulfilling part of your life right now?
Starting the rest of eternity with my husband, one step at a time.
7. If you could be a character on any television show currently in syndication, who would you be and why?
Amelia Pond! For those of you who don't know, Amelia Pond is from Doctor Who! I feel like she has had some the best adventures with the Doctor.
8. What colors do you decorate with most often?
GREEN! I love green. I feel like it makes my apartment more bright and springy.
9. Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
I love pencil even though I am left handed and it always smudges.
10. When was the last time you wrote handwritten letter to someone?
Last time, I wrote a letter was about two years ago to my friend Clayton who was serving a LDS mission in California. But I did hand write two cards yesterday for Thanksgiving!
11. What is your favorite kind of flower and why?
I love sunflowers! I love how they are so bright and cheery. Then after their lifespan is up, we get a tasty treat! Hahahaha ;)
The Eleven Blogs I tagged
1. Margaret Martell with Proliferator
2. Shay Riggin with Living Life Under 5 Foot
3. Kimberly Michelsen with Riding the Kim-garoo
4. Caitlin Spratlings with Our Spratling Life
5. Amanda Klinker with The Klinkers
6. Melodie Scott with The Scott Family
7. Sammy Kundis with Together is Our Favorite Place To Be
8. Holly Harris with Crazy Boys Blog
9. Robyn Beckstead with Beckstead 1+1=3
10. Clara Ingersoll with Livin' in Sandals
11. Robin Rood with The Roods
My questions for you
1. What is one of your biggest fears in life?
2. Why did you decide to start blogging? (Stolen from Sarah)
3. What is you favorite fruit and the story behind it?
4. To know a girl go through her purse, what is in your purse?
5. What is your home decoration that you could not live without?
6. If you could go to school to learn anything, what would it be?
7. Who was your first kiss and how was it? ;)
8. What is your favorite season and how does it make you feel?
9. If you could go anywhere in time and space, where would you go?
10. What is your favorite Disney princess and why?
11. With this crazy, stressful life around us, how do you relax?
Yay! So glad you did the tag and passed it on. I love the questions you asked of your girls. The home decoration I could not live without is mirrors - I love the way they bounce light and make a room appear larger!