Saturday, August 24, 2013

Weekend in Great Falls

So up we got at four in the morning to get everything in the car and get ourselves ready on Friday morning. At 5:00, we were off to Great Falls as Jaren drove, I kept him company and Johnny slept in the back. The trip was pretty nice that early in the morning. There was barely any cars on the road and of course, driving into Montana is always pretty. 

We arrived at my parents house with Haleigh, my sister, running out to greet us! Since she was the only one home, we sat and talked to her for a while. Then we were off again to Jaren's optometrist appointment and to drop off Haleigh at work while we went and got a oil change. Busy, busy, busy we were! 

Met Mom and Saydi at McDonalds for lunch before we were off again. I dropped off John at his parent's house while Saydi and I went to Old Navy for some much needed clothing shopping. I have decided that taking Saydi shopping is the way to do it. She helped me pick out everything and we ended up with two very cute outfits and three pairs of out was totally Idahoan so I don't feel out of place if I go to the rodeo. 

Later that night, we went to the CMR High School Scrimmage game. Really we went to watch Saydi cheer while  Mom cheered! It was fun watching Saydi lead the cheers and to see their awesome stunts! be continued for the weekend has only just began........

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