Today started like any other day, I woke up to Jaren, my brother, being loud everywhere. So I got up and went into the family room and pulled the blinds up. To my complete and utter shock, everything was covered in about 5 inches of SNOW!!! And it was still snowing....... my jaw dropped to the floor.
This is what I saw:
Okay so that would have fine if we never left the house.... but that's not very reasonable. So out we went for a drive. Now in Montana where we both grew up, the roads would have been superbly plowed before say 9:00 am but not here in the city of Rexburg. I just do not understand how the City Council thinks its okay to not plow the streets until 10:00 am and not get all the snow off of the road!
So the city of Rexburg has these huge tractors with a front shovel that go like 5 mph and they move the snow into the middle of the road or what is the turning lane. They always put the snow in the middle instead of the sides. You might as well forget about turning into any stores on 2nd East because you need a SUV to get through the four foot wall of snow they place in the middle of the road. Does no one see anything wrong with this situation?? Just another reason why my plan is to not stay in Rexburg for the rest of our lives.
That's my van....... Poor Carlson out there covered in snow..... better than me covered in snow!!
“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” ― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Holly's Surgery
Our vets are awesome. Dr. Shawcroft performed the surgery and he took his time making sure it stitched back together perfectly. Then after the surgery and before we left for the day, he checked to make sure there was no swelling.
Her insicion looks bad, does it? But she's all good and her teeth are the whitest I have ever seen on a dog. Thank you Upper Valley Vet Clinic!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
An About Me
While browsing Pinterest and weighing my options about what I should do next, I ran across a couple blogs. Then I switched over to Facebook, I ran across more blogs. So then I began thinking, why not make my own blog? And WHA-LA I have my very own blog!! Isn't it cute?
Well a little about me.....hmmmm where should I start?
My name is Aubrei Caitlin Michelsen. I live in Rexburg, Idaho hopefully not permanently. We moved here so that John, my husband, could go to school at Brigham Young University-Idaho. We have been married for 1.55 years so far since our sealing in the Billings, Montana LDS Temple.
We have a ten year old golden retriever named Holly who keeps us moving because she is more active than the both us of combined. My family has had her since she was a puppy and then when John & I moved into a pet-allowed apartment we stole her. She is my baby and totally knows it as she tries to press the boundaries every day.
We now have two pretty kittens. Kiwi is the older one; we got her from a friend who had had eleven kittens born within a weeks time. So we lifted one little burden off their shoulders. She is such a good kitten most of the time until she gets too riled up playing with Lime and Holly. Now Lime is our rescue kitten. We had a lady come in with this frightened kitten in her hands. She had watched her roll off of a moving truck into the road. She lost two teeth on her bottom jaw and had a little scratch on her face but other than that she was just very scared. So I took her home to be sister to Miss Kiwi.
I work at the best veterinary clinic in the surrounding area ;). I am the sole groomer for the clinic and so get to play with puppies and kittens all day. It couldn't get any better than that, right!! I love my job so much my plan is to go back to school to get a degree in vet tech so I can for the rest of my life take care of those animals I love so much.
John is working hard at his degree in Computer Science. He hopes to one day be able to design and make his own computer games for the masses. He loves to play his computer games such as League of Legends and Minecraft. He works hard and keeps up his grades.
There is a little about me......the rest you will have to keep coming back for. Mwahahaha!
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