I feel like I have always been mature for my age. I have always had friends older than me though a couple youngsters slip in. Maybe fast maturity comes with being an oldest child. But what frustrates me more than anything is when people learn my age and only focus on that fact. Not that at the age of seventeen right after high school I had two jobs. That I was the youngest floor manager Smith's Food and Drug in Great Falls. Or that I stayed with my job at Petco for almost five years and trained hard to be a pet groomer.or that moving to Rexburg, I had to go to Idaho Falls to find a job and then quickly pushed myself through the ranks to go from driver to Assistant Manager. But those who discover my age act like those things don't matter and I have no idea what I am doing because of my lack of years.
My life has never been very easy as I am sure most of you reading can late to. I am a hard worker which causes me to burn out sometimes but I am very loyal and try to put my 110% forward. It's frustrating when those I work with refuse to see that and instead focus on my age.
We have been taught as Latter-day Saints to not judge those around us to treat them each as a child of God. We need to love one anther. We need to become as the Savior, Jesus Christ.
The town in Montana that I grew up in had a very small number of LDS, and an even smaller number of youth for me to lean on and have support against the world. But I know for a matter of a fact that our little group of LDS youth were strong. Yes we had our problems now and agin but we knew who we were and tried our best to be as Christ.
Yet, I feel like it is a totally different situation in Rexburg. Everyone is LDS maybe not all active but have been baptized. I feel like the campus has strong students in the gospel but it is those in the surrounding area that judge quickly to those who are different.
Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see.
Who am I to judge another?
Lord, I would follow thee.